- How-to Guide -


How to maximize productivity & stay focused

  • Turn ON the Full-Screen mode to cutoff from the noise. Full-Screen mode can be toggled from the settings interface.
  • Use the app drawer feature from FullScreen Sidebar & create your own custom collection of work tools, utilities & resources.
  • Open productivity timer from bottom left tray of the NewTab page.
  • Start a 30-minute timer.
  • Turn on the focus-mode using focus button at the bottom.
  • Update your ToDo list & divide your tasks into smaller goals.
  • Divide your tasks according to the Eisenhower Matrix. Simply stating: divide your tasks on important & urgent basis.
  • First tackle the important + urgent ones. After completion, move to the urgent ones. Then hit for important ones.
  • Example: Hitting the gym is an important task but completing your project maybe urgent if the deadline to submit that is near.
  • Prioritize your ToDo List, schedule your tasks & create a timeline. The timeline gets auto-updated daily.
  • Prefer using Alt+N shortcut to instantly access your notepads & take notes while learning/reading/researching/curating stuff online.
  • When the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break using productivity timer.
  • Do not forget to set the 5-minute break timer, because a 5-minute break may soon turn into a 3-hour break within no time.
  • Make sure that the over-use reminders are ON to prevent any unnecessary time wastage.
  • Rinse & repeat the process daily.
  • Update your life vision & long-term goals in your LifeMap tool every week. Analyze, think, plan, strategize & iterate accordingly.

How to track & analyze productivity

  • Open time tracker tool from the new tab page.
  • Add the websites that you want to track.
  • Any changes will be auto-saved on closing the interface.
  • The Time-tracker will auto-collect the time-spent data & display it in pie-chart form.
  • Your visits & time-spent will be tracked, stored, displayed & updated using browser local storage.

How to change the wallpaper/background

  • Open settings from the new tab page.
  • Click on the Change Wallpaper option.
  • Select from the default preset of wallpapers. Click on the right/left arrows to toggle wallpapers.
  • Users can upload their own wallpaper using option 2. (less than 500kb for max performance)
  • To reset to default one, click on reset wallpaper.

How to change the colors, gradients & themes

  • Open settings from the new tab page.
  • Click on the Change Colors option.
  • The new color preset is displayed.
  • Toggle different colors using change color option.
  • For further customization, click on change design option in settings box.
  • Select from different icon designs under [Layouts] section.
  • Change wallpaper & icon transparency using slider bar.
  • Reset the changes using default theme option.

How to reset everything to defaults

  • Open settings from the new tab page.
  • Click on the reset to defaults option.

Here is a glimpse of the beauty:


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